Colonial, Imperial, and Republican Documents

The series is composed of incomplete codices and loose handwritten and typewritten documents produced between 1781 and 1927. Includes registers of land grants (sesmarias) donated between 1781 and 1783 by governor Jerônimo José de Mello e Castro; royal letter (carta régia) ordering the remittance to the Overseas Council (Conselho Ultramarino) of the letter patent (carta patente) unduly awarded to Luiz de Oliveira Chaves and his suspension from his position as coronel of the Regimento de Milícias dos Homens Branco of the city of Paraíba, conferring the post to coronel Amaro Gomes Coutinho (1802); correspondence of Antonio da Silva Lisboa regarding the selection of a day to swear loyalty to the Brazilian Constitution (1824); bill of sale of a female slave; minutes of the municipal council (câmara) of Vila do Conde (1844 to 1846); sermons of father Meira Henriques written between 1864 and 1875; execution of the sentence of the heirs of José Vicente dos Santos Leal (1886); partial volume registering the hearings of the tribunal of the district of Vila de Alagoa Grande (1890); an appeal by law graduate (bacharel) Rodrigo Francisco Pereira against the electoral board (Junta Eleitoral) of Pedras de Fogo and the Federal Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal) (1908); and documents from the income tax collection office (Recebedoria de Rendas) of Paraíba (1927).

Severely damaged by insects, iron gall ink, fading information, brittle paper, torn and perfurated folios, water damage. Only a few documents in a good state of conservation.

Creator (Author): King (Portugal); Paraíba's Government; Municipal Councils (Câmaras) of São João, Mamanguape, and Pombal; Miguel Joaquim José Ramos; Bankruptcy Court (Juizado de Falência); among others.