Manzushir sudar

Praise to Manzushir burkhan (God)-creator of wisdom and knowledge. Manjushri (or manjusri) is the embodiment of all the Buddha's wisdom. The word manju means “charming, beautiful, pleasing” and Shri means “glory, brilliance”. The Bodhisattva is regarded as the crown prince of Buddhist teachings, or the one who can best explain the Buddhist wisdom that is able to extinguish afflictions and bring about enlightenment. Manjushri has this title because eons ago, he was the instructor for seven different Buddhas, the last being Sakyamuni Buddha.Manjushri is often depicted with his right hand holding a double-edged flaming sword and his left hand holding a lotus flower on which rests the Prajnaparamita (Great Wisdom) Sutra. He is often seen riding a lion. The Prajnaparamita Sutra on the lotus flower symbolizes wisdom as pure as the lotus. The sword represents the sharpness of wisdom that cuts through illusion. The lion is called the king of a hundred animals, and this symbolizes the stern majesty of wisdom.