Corrientes [1930s-1940s]

Description: This handmade envelope contains newspapers’ and magazines’ articles and clippings, original documents, and a bulletin on the province of Corrientes in Argentina. It was invaded in the 16th century by the Spaniards who occupied the region mainly inhabited by the indigenous population of the guaranties ethnic group. After decades of resistance the original people were incorporated to the Jesuit missions on the east. After the Independence movement, Corrientes became a province in 1814. Its main economic and social characteristic is its natural condition for agricultural activities thanks to the natural irrigation of two main rivers, the Paraná River and the Paraguay River. It constitutes a typical example of a rich and pre-modern province where rural society, culture and tradition prevailed in the years previous to 1943 and still after. Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.