Damas Círculo Varios D-N [1930s-1960s]

Description: This handmade envelope contains seven stationary envelopes with photos, newspapers’ and magazines’ articles and clippings, plus a few booklets of the following charitable societies or Círculo de Damas (or Circle of Ladies) from the letters D to N: Circle of Ladies from Jujuy (“Damas jujeñas círculo”), Benefit Society of of Israeli Ladies (“Damas israelitas de beneficencia, sociedad de”), Circle of Ladies from Entre Ríos (“Damas entrerrianas círculo”), Circle of Ladies from Mendoza (“Damas mendocinas círculo”), Society of the Ladies of Mercy (“Damas de misericordia, sociedad”), Club of North-American Ladies (“Damas norteamericanas club”), and Argentine Ladies Godmothers of War (“Damas argentinas, madrinas de guerra”). Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.