Concordancia Partido Político [1930s]

Description: After the 1930 military coup, and during the rule of General Uriburu, the political party Concordancia was formed. It was the result of the alliance of difference parties such as Independent Socialism, Communism, Conservatism, and the branch of the Unión Cívica Radical known as Antipersonalism—this is, the one that opposed the deposed President Hipólito Yrigoyen. This envelope informs us about this unlikely alliance that elected General Agustín P. Justo as the next president after Uriburu and continued to impose the fraudulent elected political authorities from 1930 to 1943. This is a handmade envelope with one stationary envelope mainly with newspapers' articles and some numbers of a newspaper named Concordancia. Extent of original: Handmade envelope . Condition of original: Regular to bad condition.