Neyphug Thor bu bKa' brgyad bde 'dus dbang chog sogs

The volume contains 23 titles including bKa' brgyad bde 'dus dbang chog, Ki la ya'i man ngag, Bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga, bShe 'phrin 'bru 'grel, bsKyed rdzogs spyi don, dBang gi rdzes rgyan, Ding ri zhal gdams, gZo rgod srog gi spu gri, Lam gyi gol sa bcad pa, mChod phreng, Nor rgyam gshing don, Chos skyong gong gnon, rJes gnang lo rgyus nyer mkho, Sangs rdor dri lan, Sems bskyed cho ga, sGrol ma'i 'grel pa, Bla ma'i rnal 'byor, sNyan nang 'grel pa, Thugs chen mun sel sgron me'i las byang, Don dam skyal mchod, Thugs rten thig rtsa, Yum chen dgongs pa and Drag po bde 'dus kyi lo rgyus. The volume is written on cream coloured traditional Bhutanese paper made from dahpne bark. Black ink is used to write this book. 1 volume containing 216 folios of manuscripts on paper in loose leaf poti format of varying sizes.

Dates of original material: unknown.

Volume: None.

Script(s) of material: Tibetan dBu can script.