The Manuscript Collection of Neyphug Monastery

The collection contains a manuscript copy of the entire Kanjur canon and many religious and philosophical literatures including a great number of gter ma texts, which are said to have been rediscovered after they were hidden in the 8th century by Padmasambhava and his disciples. The first gNas phug sprul sku gter ston Ngag dbang Grags pa (1525-1599) was one such treasure discoverer. Since the foundation of the Neyphug temple by him 1550, the temple has remained the main seat of the successive gNas phug sprul skus, who were prominent religious figures in western Bhutan. The place became well know for clay sculpture but a fire in 1864 gutted the residence and its holdings and partially damaged the main temple. The books kept in the temple today include those which survived the fire. From the physical appearance of the books, they were mostly produced in Bhutan approximately between 1550 and 1900 CE, and in the local area. 135 volumes of manuscripts on paper in loose leaf poti format.

Dates of original material: Approximately 1550-1900 CE.

Script(s) of material: Tibetan dBu can and dBu med 'bru tsha scripts.