Neyphug Thor bu bDe mchog sogs

The volume contains 27 individual titles including bDe mchog bcu gsum gyi tshogs mchod, dbang chog, 'Chi med rdor phreng gyi brtan bzhugs, Drag po yag sha me dbal, 'Jam dbyangs bstod pa rna ba'i bdud rtsi, 'Jam dbyangs bstod pa shes rab med 'byed, Klong snying mkha' 'gro seng gdong, mNgon sum snying thig, Nor rgyam dbang gi sta gon, Prajnarasmi'i gsung, sGab chos nor bu sgron gsal, bDe mchog dmigs rims, sByin sreg chog ga'i lag len, sDig sbyong smon lam, sGrol ma'i smon lam, bDo mchog bong zhal snyan brgyud, sNgags kyi klog thabs, Thugs sgrub bdud rtsi'i 'bar ba, bDe mchog bcu gsum ma'i bsnyen yig, bDe mchog rab gnas, lTo'i man ngag, mChog gling rnam thar, mTshan dpe'i rkang grangs, Srung ba'i rab gnas kyi lhan thabs, Phyag chen thob yig and Thugs chen ma ni'i zla lung. The volume is written on cream coloured traditional Bhutanese paper made from dahpne bark. Black ink is used to write this book. 1 volume containing 144 folios of manuscripts on paper in loose leaf poti format of varying sizes.

Dates of original material: unknown.

Volume: None.

Script(s) of material: Tibetan dBu can script.