Surat Keterangan Mahkamah Lingga Tentang Jual Beli Dusun Rumbia di Lingga [25 Rabbi’ulakhir 1315 ]

Digital images of Surat Keterangan Mahkamah Lingga Tentang Jual Beli Dusun Rumbia di Lingga, a document from the Lingga court of justice stating that Encik Hajar binti Encik Usman asked representation of Haji Muhhamd Sa’id to sell a rumbi orchard which was bought from Ahmad and to be sold to Haji Husin. Legalised by stamps from the court, and signatures of Muhd Said , two witnesses and RH Muhd Tahir.Scribe: Mahkamah Negeri Lingga; Date: 25 Rabbi’ulakhir 1315.

Notes: A sheet of paper from a note book, lined with blue lines. Legalised by stamps from the court, and signatures of Muhd Said , two witnesses and RH Muhd Tahir. Strengthened and repaired with sellotape.European paper, no watermark.