Surat Keterangan Memiliki Dusun Rumbia [23 Zulhijjah 1320]

Digital images of a certificate of ownership for a rumbia plantation in Lingg issued to Ahmad bin Haji ‘Umar, 23 Zulhijjah 1320.

Notes: On top there is the black round seal of Sultan van Lingga Reow in Latin script with in the centre in jawi inscribed Sultan ‘Abdurrahman Mu’azzamsyah Lingga Riau sanah 1324. Right of the seal his signature in black. At the bottom we find several signatures and in a red circle is the note sudah dimasukan rejister Nerekeh nombor (26) 6/5 1915,-. On the other side there is a sketch map with the measurements of the plantation with a signature of the surveyor. In the top right-hand corner is the note: Doesoen jang terseboet dalam soerat ini mendjadi milik bagi Hadji Mohamad Saleh (Tjoeboeng) anak laki2 dari Hadji Rachmad Nerekeh (vonnis Mahkamah Besar ddo 14 Juni 1917 No. 4/ 1916) [soerat perdamaian, 13 April 1918] De Controleur v. Lingga {signature}. Watermark: Latin Crown Countermark: TREASURY EXTRA SUPERFINE.