Surat Grant Dusun Rumbia [27 Zulkaidah Sannah 1315 AH]

Digital images of a certificate of ownership for an orchard at Daik issued to Abdulrahman bin Abdulhamid. Scribe: Pegawai yang Mengeluarkan surat atas nama Sultan ‘Adulrahman Mu’azzamsyah; Date: 27 Zulkaidah Sannah 1315.

Notes: Printed land grant filled in by hand with a signature and stamp of Sultan Abdulrahman Muazzamsyah in black ink. At the bottom there is a stamp and note that the sale has been authorised by the Head of District Lingga in blue ink. At the back we find an additional typed note: Adapoen keboen sago jang tersebut pada grant jang disebelah ini telah berpindah milik daripada Ibrahim bin Abdurrachman kepada Entjik Basok, menoerot soerat joeal beli ddo. 28 December 1932 No. 10/1932. This note was signed and stamped by Districthoofd van Lingga.