Óbitos de escravos e livres, 1877-1902

The volume contains burial records of enslaved and free individuals registered in the church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Jurujuba, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Entries date from 23 Oct 1877 through 21 Apr 1902. The opening and closing charters were signed by the Juiz da Provedoria, Luiz Pinto de (?) Montenegro, on 15 Jun 1877; there is a second closing charter signed by Vicar Venâncio Lins Telles Barreto on 15 Jun 1877. The following clergy signed the records: Venancio Lins Telles Barreto and João Aureliano Correia dos Santos. The volume also contains a note forwarding the volume to one Padre Francisco at the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Jurujuba by the Bishop of Petrópolis, D. Francisco Rego Maia. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 149 numbered folios and a cover. Some of the folios have been damaged by the ink used. Folios 57f through 148v are blank and were thus not photographed. Dimensions: 32cm X 22.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.