Óbitos de escravos e livres, 1816-1854

The volume records burials of enslaved and free individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cabo Frio. Entries date from 26 Jun 1816 to 09 Jan 1854. The opening and closing charters are dated 13 Aug 1812 and were signed by Vicar Manoel D'Almeida. There are records of slaves buried in Campos Novos and of individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa de Caridade in the city. The following clergy signed the entries: Manoel D'Almeida; Vicar Miguel Lopes de Castro; Coadjutor Joseph Correa Sá Coelho; Ignacio Felizardo Fortes; and Vicar José Francisco Marques. Physical characteristics: The volume has 250 unnumbered folios. The volume shows signs of insect and ink damage and its cover has come loose from the binding. The following pages were not photographed due to their condition: 7v - 10v ; 18 - 23v. Dimensions: 33cm x 24cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.