Batismos de Escravos,1731-1742

The volume contains baptismal records of enslaved people registered in the Church of São Sebastião de Itaipu, Niterói-RJ. Entries date from 01 Apr 1731 to 01 Nov 1742. There is no opening charter; the closing charter was signed by Gaspar Gonçalves de Araujo on 18 Jun 1712. Entries were signed by the following clergy: João Francisco Vieira; José Moreyra da Silva (?); and Manoel Ribeiro Cabello. Physical characteristics: The volume has 40 unnumbered folios and no cover. It has been severely damaged by insects. Dimensions: 32cm X 24cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.