Batismos de escravos, livres e índios, 1848-1856

The volume contains baptismal records of enslaved, free, and indigenous people registered in the Church of São Pedro da Aldeia, São Pedro da Aldeia-RJ. Entries date from 01 Apr 1848 to 21 Feb 1856 . The opening and closing charters were signed by Vicar Manoel Martins Teixeira on 29 Dec 1847; Martins Teixeira also signed the entries. The volume is incomplete. Manumissions at the baptismal font (alforrias de pia) are documented on folios 140f and 223, a manumission of a slave belonging to Lieutenant Francisco Dias Garcia da Silva. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 250 numbered folios, of which 158 were photographed. Numeration goes from folios 1 through 32 and then 125 through 250 (entries jump from 09 May 1849 on folio 32v and then to 31 Dec 1851 on folio 125f. It has no cover; the folios are generally in a good state of conservation, though they have come loose from the binding. The folio number is written in pencil on some folios. Dimensions: 42cm x 27cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.