Óbitos de Livres, 1724-1742

The volume records the burials records and testaments of free individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, Saquarema-RJ and dating from 13 Aug 1724 through 7 Jul 1742. The opening charter was signed by Francisco Luiz Servas on 18 Jul 1724, while the closing charter was signed on 24 Nov 1742 by an individual whose signature is illegible. The volume includes testaments that document "donations" and manumissions of slaves. The volume documents a pastoral visit realized on 24 Dec 1727 and another conducted by one Vicar Rubique on 8 Jul 1733. The following African "nations"/ethnonyms are recorded: Guiné (Guinea), Congo. The following clergy signed the entries: Francisco (Fran.co) Luiz Servas, Coadjutor Pedro Leão (Leam) de Sá, Vicar Alvaro Antunes Lage, Vicar Gervazio de Brito Lara, Vicar Joze de Brito, and Vicar Manoel (M.el) de Moraes Peg.a. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 52 insect-damaged folios and a cover. Dimensions: 30cm x 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.