Collection of Arabic and Mandinka Poems

Transliterated title: Araabukaŋ aniŋ Mandinkakaŋ Suukuwoolu.

Contains a collection of several short devotional poems written in Arabic and Mandinka Ajami. Included within are copies of poems by Sitookoto Dabo, the most famous Mandinka Ajami poet of Senegambia. The poets praise Prophet Muḥammad, emphasize the value of education, and pray for people.

Extent and format of original material: 15 pages.

Physical characteristics: Unbound manuscript. Due to water damage and stains, some words may be difficult to read.

Owner(s) of original material: Mamadou Lamine Sylla.

Scribe of original material: Sitookoto Dabo; Ibrahima Kalilou Diebate.

Additional script information: Mandinka Ajami.