Духовные стихи

The manuscript consists of several folios with poems, written by unknown Katherine. They belong to a special genre of sacred poetry which was spread among plain men in the 18th-20th centuries, especially among Old Believers. Sacred poems often did not have the great artistic value but they reflected religious experience and feelings of their authors.

Рукопись представляет собой несколько листков со стихами, написанными неизвестной Катериной. Они принадлежат к особому жанру религиозной поэзии, получившему распространение в 18-20 вв. среди старообрядцев - духовным стихам. Духовные стихи часто не отличались высокими художественными достоинствами, но отражали переживания и чувства простых людей.

Extent: 4 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 17,5 cm, width 11 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has not any cover. It consists of two put together folios sewn by thin thread. The inks seeped through the paper.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1979.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Katherine.

Keywords: Old Believers, Poetry.