"Studio family portrait with 6 adults, 2 girls and 3 boys"

Studio family portrait with 6 adults, 2 girls and 3 boys. At the center, 3 men are sitting. They wear white shirts and dhotis. One of them has a towel on his left shoulder. On the left of that man, a woman in sari and blouse is sitting. On the other extremity, a young boy is sitting on a stool. Behind this line of sitting people, three persons are standing: 2 women in sari and blouse, and one boy, standing. 2 girls and one boy are sitting cross-legged in front of the portrait. No backdrop. Location: Tamil Nadu, Karaikudi, Vasen Studio. Date of original material: [1989]. Size of original print/negative: 6 x 4 ½ inches. Format of original material: Film black and white negative.