Buddhist ceremony [1987]

Het Bun (merit-making ceremony) on the 67 Birthday celebration of Pha Khamchan Virachitta Thela, Abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam at the Sim of Vat Saen Sukharam on the 11th day of the waxing moon of the 11th lunar month B.E.2530, which corresponds to October 2 A.D.1987, under the ceremonial chairman of Pha Phummi Phalappatto, Abbot of Vat Nong Si Khun Meuang. On birthday celebration every year, Pha Khamchan will make merit (Het Bun) dedicated to dead senior monks of Luang Prabang who had kindness to him, they were Somdet Pha Sangkhalat Dhammayana Maha Thela (Bunthan Bupharat) of Vat Mai Suvannaphumaram who was a preceptor for his monk's ordination (the photograph on the left above), Pha Kaenchan Kaccayana Maha Thela, former abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam who was a preceptor for his novice's ordination (the photograph on the right above), Pha Khamfan Silasangvara Maha Thela, Abbot of Vat Suvannakhili who was a right-hand prayer for his monk's ordination (the photograph on the left below), Pha Phaeng of Vat Saen Sukharam (the photograph in the middle below) who was his teacher because when he was young boy, he studied Dhamma with Pha Phaeng, and Pha Fan of Vat Saen Sukharam (the photograph on the right below) who was his foster-brother when he was ordained as a young novice at Vat Saen Sukharam on the vacation. Chromogenic print.