"Original material is held by the Buddhist Archive of Photography, Luang Prabang. A very small number of items has been given back to Vat Saen Sukharam.".
"Original material is held by the Buddhist Archive of Photography, Luang Prabang. A very small number of items has been given back to Vat Saen Sukharam.".
"Original material is held by the Buddhist Archive of Photography, Luang Prabang. A very small number of items has been given back to Vat Saen Sukharam.".
"Original material is held by the Buddhist Archive of Photography, Luang Prabang. A very small number of items has been given back to Vat Saen Sukharam.".
"Original material is held by the Buddhist Archive of Photography, Luang Prabang. A very small number of items has been given back to Vat Saen Sukharam.".