Buddhist ceremony [1999]

Offering ceremony of Kong Buat (sets of offering-gifts for an ordination of monks) to newly ordained monks on the 79th Birthday Celebration of Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela, Abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam at Vat Saen Sukharam in 1999. This photograph represents Pha Kamchan (2nd monk from the left) who is a preceptor assists newly ordained monks to give blessing for lay people. The newly ordained monk who sitting on the left-hand of Pha Khamchan is Pha Khampome Piyasilo (Phongsavanh) which has Pha Khamchan is a chief-donor for Kong Buat (a set of offering-gifts for a monk's ordination). Chromogenic print.