Buddhist ceremony [1997]

Senior and junior monks posing for a portrait as a memorial on Uposatha (recitation of the Vinaya, rules of discipline/Patimogga) on the 57th Vassa (years of the Buddhist retreat to be a Buddhist monk) of Pha Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thela (2nd sitting on the chair from the left), Abbot of Vat Saen Sukharam on June 9, B.E.2541 (A.D. 1997) at the Sim of Vat Saen Sukharam. There are 111 monks participate in this ceremony. Sitting on the chairs from the left: Pha One Ta Santapanyo, Abbot of Vat Manolom Sattharam, Pha Khamchan, Pha Mao Manivangso, Abbot of Vat Xiang Thong Raxavolavihan and unidentified monk from Vientiane. Sitting on the ground in front is Pha Ajan Somxai Kittiyano (Khouba Ki) of Vat Khunta, Vientiane. 2nd sitting on the ground from the left is Pha One Keo Kittiphattho (Sitthivong), Abbot of Vat Pak Khan . Chromogenic print.