حاشية الصبان على الأشموني

Light brown leather binding; black ink with rubrics; European watermarked paper: "C E V" watermark (f.1&10); "Tre Lune" watermark (f.2&9); "Tre Lune" watermark [2] (f.3&8); "C E V" watermark [2] (f.12&18); "S e"(?) watermark (f.41&50); "ANAR[?]H" with Tre Lune watermark below (f.62&69); "Tre Lune" watermark [3] (f.72&79); "Tre Lune [words]" with mirrored "F"s below (f.162&169); "C P" with unidentified mark below (f.63&68); "C F" above crest(?) (f.86).

310 folios; 23 x 16.5 cm.

Original location reference: 65.

Author: Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Saban.

Scribe: Unknown.

Owner(s) of the original material: Salim al-Basi.