حاشية السمرقندي على المطول

Mixed color leather binding; black ink with rubrics; European watermarked paper: Unidentified mark (f.1&10); Trefoil with letters "C" and "E" (f.7); Letters "I" and "B" in a heart above two small circles (f.160&163); Trefoil with letters "G(?)" and "C" (f.202); "Two battle axes" watermark (f.204&209).

222 folios; 21 x 15 cm.

Original location reference: 111.

Author: Abū al-Qāsim al-Samarqandī.

Scribe: ʿUthmān b. Muṣṭafā.

Owner(s) of the original material: Aḥmad b. Saʿīd b. Aḥmad b. Saʿīd Luʾluʾ al-Ṣafaqsī.