Кирилл Транквилион (Ставровецкий). Ев(а)нгелие учителное на н(еде)ля чрез весь рок, и на празники г(о)сп(о)дскиа и б(о)городичны: и нарочитым с(вя)тым угодником Б(о)жиим, / Составлена трудолюбием иеро...

20; [4], 363, 183, [1] sheets.; - Sign.: [x]4 16-306314. - Lines: 38, av. 29. Types — 60, 85 mm. - Pages in linear frames. Books from the library of the Old Believer Nikolai Zaitsev.

Illustrations: 27 from 23 boards (2092-2114).

Ornament: typeset jewelry; initials; 87 from 45 boards (235, 1721, 1722, 1810-1815, 1827-1862); endings: 8 from 5 boards (339, 343, 1896-1898); frame (2380). Binding.

XXI century., Cardboard in typographic glossy sheets glued to the spine overlap fabric. Each volume is additionally pasted over on the sides of the covers by Old Believer calendars for the 1990s-2000s. In the breaks of the block is seen kaptal - gauze laid along the entire spine.

Binding sheets in each volume only at the top covers (calendars with icons).


On sheets 35-112(1st part) clipped 18th century cursive., single words are read: «[…] Saint Petersburg […] Nikolaevskoy (church?) saint "ko […] spiritual […] {God] sold … 10 roubles …fert (?) m [oe] and asking him [hb] h ... mago ... dy (kona) (?) Dani (la) ... house ... his high (rhodium) princes ... Alexei Ivan ... respect (respected). .. book C ... th ... of that "}.

On sheets 113-128 (1-го part) handwriting of the XVIII century iron ink: «and when he died ... Ivan Emelyanovich removed the exchange of his wife’s tribute to the priest Vasily Shcherbatsky on Christmas Day March {is} tovova March 1728 (?) 28 and died ... ¿van Borisov March 29 day 1728. ".

Throughout the block there are inscriptions of thumbnails in linear frames, for example. on l 74 about. (1 st.) On the field record of the XIX century. in black ink, in a handwriting that imitates the font of the book: "In {c} edin g {e} rkv Pre {saint} B {ogoro} d {u} tsy is known to Dhwa Marii.".

In some places on the volumes there are minor pencil notes.


The book is braided into 5 parts, a large-scale restoration was carried out by N.A. Zaitsev (according to him) in the interval between 2010 and 2012. The numbering of volumes according to the publication descriptions is mixed up, the signatures do not match the description of the publication. The reverse sides of the two nested handwritten sheets have been deleted. They contain the owner's personal information.


Extent: 1 book Divided into 5 parts. P. I — sheets. 1-101; p. II — s. 7-46, 45-72, 103-168; p. III — s. 73-187; p. IV — s. 188-271; p. V — s. 272-359.

Sheets 1-4 are absent, 20-21, 30, 360-363, 1-6.

Size and dimensions of original material: 26,7 х 16,5.

Condition of original material: sheets 1-2, 28, 88-102, restored with white thin paper of the XXI century. with the restoration of losses in the typesetting band in civilian handwriting with a blue pen.

The block is broken in some places, there are traces of water. On the sheets there are stains of oil and wax. The lower corners of the sheets are jammed, sometimes up to black. There are several holes along the root; the edges of the holes are covered with rust (traces of binding).