Сборник воспоминаний епископа Геронтия (Лакомкина) и «Близ грядущий антихрист и царство дьявола на земле» (Протоколы собрания Cионских мудрецов)

Paper, cardboard, dermatin, typescript, hand binding. The text is printed on a typewriter on two types of writing paper. Bound in one volume by the owner Nikolai Zaitsev. Contains the memoirs of Bishop Gerontius (Lakomkin): “Spiritual Testament”. "The Legend of the Lakomkin family tree." "A brief description of the life of the priest in Zolotilovo village of the Kostroma, now Ivanovo Region, Ivan G. Lakomkin, his wife Manefa Dmitrievna and their family." “A brief description of the decade outside the freedom of the Old Believer Bishop Gerontius, the former Petrograd-Tversky”, as well as the work “The Coming Antichrist and the Devil's Kingdom on Earth”, better known as “Records of the meeting of Zion wise men” (compiled from the publication of the Printing House of the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius; compiled by Sergey Nilus). 138 sheets. Cover covers are cardboard covered in brown dermatin with a repeating floral pattern.

Extent: 138 sheets, hard cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 30,5 х 10,9.

Condition of original material: The text is unread, blurry, because it is not the first copy.

Author(s)/Creator(s): The author of the memoirs is Grigory Ivanovich Lakomkin (08/01/1872 - 06/07/1951); unknown author of Protocols.

Publisher(s): The minutes of the meeting of the Elders of Zion published.

Additional date information: 1951; 1911.