Выписка из протокола заседания Шунгенской налоговой комиссии от 15 июля 1935 года о рассмотрении заявления Александра Андреевича Скобёлкина (1868 — 1942)

Paper, ink, manuscript. The sheet is lined by printing on both sides. The text is written in black ink. At the bottom there is a round burned-out violet stamp with the inscription: "Shungensky Village Council of the Kostroma District IPO" and coat of arms. Signature of the secretary: "Maximov", the signature is certified. Contains information about the decision of the commission to reduce tax by 10%.

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 12,1 х 21,1.

Condition of original material: wo holes from the hole punch on the left edge; the edges of the sheet are uneven; a 0.5 cm gap along the right edge. Folded 4 times. Spotted on both sides of the sheet.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/58.