Подписка № 6192 на имя Ольги Фёдоровны и Александра Андреевича (1868 — 1942) Скобелкиных на покупку швейной машинки фирмы «Зингер»

Paper, ink, typographic printing, manuscript. It contains personal data of customers and on the reverse side of the terms of delivery. The text on the back is perpendicular to the text on the front side. The inscription and signature of A.A. Skobelkin, certifying receipt of goods. A stamp of 50 kopecks is pasted. Blue stamp of Singer company.

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 21,9 х 18,2.

Condition of original material: part of the sheet with the text of the terms of delivery is missing. Folded 4 times. Breaks in the places of the bends. The corners are bent, wrinkled. Greasy spots all over the sheet.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/50.