Расчетная книжка № 627 члена Шунгенского сельскохоязйственного кредитного товарищества Александра Андреевича Скобёлкина (1868 — 1942)

Paper, ink, typographic printing, manuscript. Cover made of thick gray paper. A frame of two continuous lines is printed on the top cover in a printing way (outer wide, inner narrow). Inside the frame is handwritten and printed text in 12 lines: “Form C No. 7 - Payment Card / of Shunga agricultural credit partnership/ PAYMENT BOOK / No. 627 / Shunga A.-C. Credit P-ip / (Name of partnership) / Skobelkin / Issued to a member / Alexander Andreevich / (Surname, name) / KnigoSoyuz Editor" / MOSCOW, Tverskaya Boulevard, 10 "..On the back of the bottom cover is a memo for the members of the partnership in 35 lines. Inside the book, its own numbering is 1–24 pages. There are no sheets with pages No. 11 - 14. Filled in sheets No. 2, 2 vol., 3, 4 vol., 5.

Extent: 12 sheets, soft cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 17,4 х 11,0.

Condition of original material: on the left edge are two holes from the hole punch on all sheets. Cover spotted. Cover gaps along the bottom edge of 0.5 cm.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/17.