(Удостоверение Ивана Александровича Скобёлкина 1889 —1965) о месте жительства для участковой избирательной комиссии

Paper, ink, manuscript. On one sheet of writing paper. Above left is a black illegible corner stamp. Below is an illegible round black stamp. Text in blue and black ink. Secretary's signature is illegible. The certificate confirms the fact of I.A. Skobelkin's residence in Strelnikovo village.

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 11,0 х 15,8.

Condition of original material: on the left edge are two holes from the hole punch. The angle is bent, dented. Folded 2 times.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/12.