Канон Богородице Феодоровской. Канон пророку Науму

The manuscript is made in one hand in two colors on paper of the second half of the 19-th century. Half-running hand. Stamp - "Factory of the heirs of Sumkin No. 6 1/2". Soft cover. A rectangular piece of paper is pasted on the center of the top sheet of the cover with an inscription in a frame on three lines: "Canons, hymn and heirmos / to Holy Mother of God / (on 19 sheets)". Sticker of the round form of colored paper with the inscription In the upper left corner: "№ 12". One head floral ornament on the first numbered sheet. The back side of the bottom cover is numbered "19" and contains the text of the canon to the prophet Nahum.

Extent: 22 sheets.

Size and dimensions of original material: 22,7х18,5.

Condition of original material: The copy is full. Heavy pollution, loss of paper on the cover, yellow paper, spots, bottom right corners rubbed to black, paper deformation.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-71/19/12.