Цветник (духовный)

Holy Dormition Pochayev Lavra print book in two colors. 3 head-pieces from 2 boards are the ornament. Binding - boards in leather with blind embossing. Rough embossing, heavily worn. The upper hook of the buckle is in the yellow metal. The binding sheets are lost and restored later using a fragment of printed form filled with the nineteenth-century handwriting: "The book of received packages and bales of the Varnavin post office" (Varnavin had been the county town of Kostroma region until 1922). The printed form consists of nine columns. In the third column among the recipients of packages "Zemsky Court" is mentioned several times.

Extent: 94 sheets, leather-covered wooden cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 21,4х16,5.

Condition of original material: Embossing is heavily worn out, taping is lost, restored with paper of XIXth century. Spots, bottom corners of sheets are blacked out, one buckle is lost.