Collection of Sikkim Darbar Gazette publications

Notifications related to Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology, land acquisition and co-operative societies. Original file reference: SPA/MA/PO/023. Extent of original material: 105 pages.

This file contains the following 11 items.

  • EAP880/1/6/50/1: Sikkim Darbar Gazette publication regarding the promulgation of Sikkim Reserach Institute of Tibetology, 02 Feb 1958, [8 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/2: Sikkim Darbar Gazette publication of Palden Thondup Namgyal's (Chogyal r.1965-1982) proclamation, 21 Dec 1966, [10 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/3: Sikkim Darbar Gazette publication of Home Department's notification regarding the incorporation of Sikkim Reserach Institute of Tibetology, 31 Mar 1976-9 Apr 1976, [3 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/4: Draft of a report regarding the incorporation of Sikkim Reserach Institute of Tibetology, c 1976, [3 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/5: Reprint from The Mahabodhi regarding the evolution of Sikkim Reserach Institute of Tibetology, 11 Nov 1958, [4 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/6: Publication of a resolution regarding the identity of Sikkim and land reforms, 08 May 1978, [3 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/7: Sikkim Government Gazette publication of Legislative Department's notification regarding Sikkim Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act of 1977, 16 Jan 1978-20 Jan 1978, [9 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/8: Sikkim Government Gazette publication of Land Revenue Department's notification regarding Sikkim Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act of 1977, 24 Jan 1978, [14 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/9: Sikkim Government Gazette publication of the Sikkim Co-operative Societies Bill, 10 Mar 1978, [29 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/10: Sikkim Government Gazette publication of Law and Legislative Department's notification regarding the Sikkim Agricultural Land Ceiling and Reforms Act of 1977, 05 Jun 1978, [17 images];
  • EAP880/1/6/50/11: Sikkim Government Gazette publication of the Law Department's notification regarding the Sikkim Industries Licensing Act of 1982, 17 Mar 1983, [5 images];