Documents related to the Yak herders od Dzongri

Documents related to the Yak herders od Dzongri. Original file reference: SPA/PA/MS/057. Extent of original material: 245 pages.

This file contains the following 101 items.

  • EAP880/1/5/130/1: Notesheet regarding the payment of salaries and expenditure for the yak herders of Dzongri, 20 Oct 1965-16 Jan 1981, [84 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/2: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding rations for the yak herders of Dzongri, 17 Oct 1965, [4 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/3: Note from the Private Estate Manager regarding the receipt of dairy products from Dzongri, 20 Oct 1965, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/4: Note from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of salt for yak at Dzongri, 30 Oct 1965, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/5: Note from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of cloths for yak herders of Dzongri, 17 Dec 1965, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/6: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 02 Feb 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/7: Tibetan document, 07 Feb 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/8: Tibetan document, 27 Mar 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/9: Letter to the Private Estate Manger regarding rations for the yak herders of Dzongri, 01 Apr 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/10: Estimate for the construction of yak shed at Dzongri, 30 Jun 1964, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/11: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manger to the Chief Engineer regarding the estimate for the construction of yak shed at Dzongri, 28 Jun 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/12: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manger to the Police Commissioner regarding the bill for gun powder, 27 Sep 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/13: Bill subimtted by the Police Commissioner to the Private Estate Manager for the ammunatios, 01 Oct 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/14: Draft letter from the Private Manger to the Police Commissioner regarding ammunations for yak herders of Dzongri, 28 Oct 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/15: Note regarding the receipt of dairy products from Dzongri, 26 Jul 1969-29 Aug 1972, [10 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/16: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply for thereligious ceremony at Dzongri, 07 Oct 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/17: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the death of yaks, 14 Jul 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/18: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of salts for yaks of Dzongri, 19 Oct 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/19: Revenue receipt form, 16 Nov 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/20: Bill submitted by Jetmull Bhojraj to the Private Secretary regarding the supply of rations for the yak herders of Dzongri, 07 Oct 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/21: Telegram to the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 10 Jul 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/22: Letter from the Director of Animal Husbandry to the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 10 Jul 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/23: Telegram to the Director of Animal Husbandry regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/24: Telegram to the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 08 Jul 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/25: Telegram from Director of Animal Husbandry to the Police Commissioner regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 29 Jun 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/26: Telegram to the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 29 Jun 1968, [4 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/27: Draft telegram from the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 02 Jul 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/28: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the death of yaks at Dzongri, 08 Aug 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/29: Report regarding the yaks at Dzongri, 18 Jul 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/30: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the report of the death of yaks, 09 Aug 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/31: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the report of the death of yaks, 01 Nov 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/32: Letter from Tenzing Norgay Sherpa to the Private Secretary regarding the puchase of yaks, 12 Apr 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/33: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the sale of yaks from Dzongri, 23 Aug 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/34: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to Tenzing Norgay Sherap regarding the sale of yaks from Dzongri, 23 Apr 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/35: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the appointment of yak herders, 02 May 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/36: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the appointment of yak herders, 02 May 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/37: Draft letter to the Private Secretary regarding the appointment of yak herders, 06 May 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/38: Draft letter to the Private Secretary regarding the appointment of yak herders, 02 Jun 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/39: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the appointment of yak herders, 24 Jun 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/40: Statement regarding the accounts of yaks of Dzongri, 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/41: Statement regarding the accounts of yaks of Dzongri, 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/42: Note regarding the receipt of dairy products from Dzongri, 20 Dec 1968, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/43: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of the Dzongri yaks, 13 Jul 1969-22 Jul 1969, [7 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/44: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the supply of utensils for the yak herders of Dzongri, 08 Aug 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/45: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to Tenzing Norgay Sherap regarding the sale of yaks from Dzongri, 13 Aug 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/46: Accounts relaed to the salary of yak herders of Dzongri, 1969, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/47: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the loss of yaks from Dzongri, 05 Aug 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/48: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the loss of yaks from Dzongri, 16 Aug 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/49: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the loss of yaks from Dzongri, 13 Sep 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/50: Letter from Tenzing Norgay Sherpa to the Private Secretary regarding the purchase of yaks, 27 Oct 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/51: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to Tenzing Norgay Sherpa regarding the sale of yaks, 22 Nov 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/52: Extract taken from the file regarding the salary and expenditure for Dzongri herder, 09 Nov 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/53: Statement regarding the salary of yak herders, 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/54: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the death of yak, 08 Jan 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/55: Letter from the Police Commissioner to the Private Secretary regarding the price of yaks, 18 Mar 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/56: Draft letter from the Pirvate Secretary to the Chief Secretaryregarding the price of yaks, 09 Apr 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/57: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongu, 26 Jun 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/58: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongu, 13 Aug 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/59: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the sale of cows and bullocks, 12 Aug 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/60: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to Jetmull Bhojraj regarding the supply of salts for yaks of Dzongri, 25 Sep 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/61: Note from the Private Secretary regarding the cost of yaks, 14 Nov 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/62: Revenue receipt form, 16 Nov 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/63: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the gun powder, 14 Nov 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/64: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to the Police Commissioner regarding the supply of gun powder, 19 Nov 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/65: Tibetan document, 22 Aug 1971, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/66: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the yaks at Dzongri, 26 Oct 1971-3 Jul 1972, [5 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/67: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the fodder for animals at Dzongri, 4 Nov 1972-27 Mar 1973, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/68: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the supply of salts for yaks at Dzongri, 17 Apr 1973, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/69: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongri, 17 Aug 1973, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/70: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the sale of dairy products, 17 Nov 1973, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/71: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the supply of salts for yaks at Dzongri, 09 Mar 1974, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/72: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongri, 06 Jul 1974, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/73: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the sale of dairy products, 28 Sep 1974, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/74: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongri, 06 Nov 1975, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/75: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the supply of salts for yaks at Dzongri, 28 Jan 1976, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/76: Draft letter from the Private Secretary to the Editor of Sikkim Herald regarding the sale of yaks, 16 Jun 1976, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/77: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongri, 01 Sep 1976, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/78: Draft letter from the Private Secretary regarding the grant of trees for timber, 17 Sep 1976, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/79: Revenue receipt form, 12 Jan 1977, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/80: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the accounts of yaks at Dzongri, 17 Jul 1977-22 Feb 1980, [3 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/81: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the cattle disease, 02 Jul 1980, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/82: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the list of yaks of Dzongri, 26 Jun 1989, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/83: List of yaks in Dzongri, 1975, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/84: Statement regarding the accounts of butter from Dzongri, 1975, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/85: Statement regarding the expenditure on yaks of Dzongri, 1975, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/86: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager to the Chief Engineer regarding the construction of yak shed, 28 Jun 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/87: Estimate and reports regarding the contruction of yak shed, 15 Jul 1966, [14 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/88: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of rations for yak herders in Dzongri, 22 Feb 1967-22 Jul 1967, [5 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/89: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of tarpaulin for yak herders in Dzongri, 31 Mar 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/90: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of cloths for yak herders in Dzongri, 06 Apr 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/91: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of salts for yaks in Dzongri, 19 Oct 1966, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/92: Letter to the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of rations for yak herders in Dzongri, 17 Aug 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/93: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager regarding the supply of rations for yak herders in Dzongri, 28 Sep 1967, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/94: Notification regarding the construction of house at Yuksom, 19 Apr 1965, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/95: Letter to the Private Secretary regarding the construction of house at Yuksom, 19 Apr 1965, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/96: Letter from Jetmull Bhojraj to the Private Secretary regarding the settlement of accounts, 20 Mar 1968, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/97: Estimate and map for the construction of yak shed at Dzongri, 15 Jul 1966-12 Sep 1969, [6 images];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/98: Draft letter from the Private Estate Manager regarding the grant of trees for the construction of yak shed at Dzongri, 07 Oct 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/99: Draft telegram to the Private Estate Manager regarding the grant of trees for the construction of yak shed at Dzongri, 09 Oct 1969, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/100: Draft telegram to the Private Estate Manager regarding the grazing permit in Dzongri area, 17 Mar 1970, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/5/130/101: Note regarding the grazing permit in Dzongri area, 14 Mar 1970, [1 image];