Tanbīh al-ghāfilīn: Hadith (tradition of the Prophet Muhammad)

A famous Hadith composed of 93 chapters and sub-chapters on various subjects such as sincerity in actions of adoration; death; a description of the punishments of the tombe; résurrection; paradise and hell; repentance; the rights of parents over their children and vice-versa; the rights of women over their husbands and vice-vers; neighbourhood rights; incitation to echew alcohol, lies and adultery etc. Author: Naṣr b. Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Samarqandī (Abū al-Layth) M: 983. Extent and format of original material: Unwatermarked paper, 838 pages 230x180mm. Physical characteristics of original: the manuscript is in good condition; reliés.