Dalā’il al-khayrāt wa shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr ṣalāt ‘alā Nabiy al-Mukhtār: Prayer upon the Prophet Mohammad

Prayer upon the Prophet Mohammad. Seven chapters corresponding to the seven days of the week. It begins with the 99 names of Allah followed by the 201 noms du Prophet. It continues with an introductory invocation and ends with an invocation to be read at the end of each reading of the said book. Author: Muḥammad Ibn Sulaymān Ibn Dāwūd Ibn al-Bashar al-Jazūlī al-Simlānī al-Shādhilī. Extent and format of original material: Unwatermarked paper 348 pages 110x110mm. Physical characteristics of original: Leather-covered manuscript, some pages torn with slight damage by insects and humidity.