Extracts on Repentance before Death // Выписки о предсмертном покаянии // Vypiski o predsmertnom pokaianii

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by two hands. Cyrillic numeric pagination (reader’s). Decoration: headings and thin initials with brown inks. The manuscript contains extracts from collected religious and edifying texts Zertsalo mirozritel'noe [the Mirror of World // Зерцало мирозрительное], Evangelie Blagovestnoe [the Gospel of the Good News // Евангелие Благовестное] of Theophylact of Ohrid, essays of Cyril of Alexandria and Maximus the Greek with the main idea that “repentance at the hour of death is not helpful” [покаяние в час смерти есть неполезно]. Cover: 2nd half of the 20th century, cardboard. Folios are compiled into a notebook and not sewn together. 1st half of the 20th century. 8° (manuscript size – 178 mm х 112 mm, cover size – 175 mm х 119 mm); 8 f; Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.