"Extracts on feast days, everyday interdictions and dietary laws // Выписки канонического характера о христианских праздниках, бытовых и пищевых запретах // Vypiski kanonicheskogo kharaktera o khristi...

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by 2 hands. Cyrillic numeric pagination (scriber’s and reader’s). Decoration: headings and initials are made with red pencil and black inks. The manuscript contains extracts from the Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая], rules of Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Commentary on the Canons of the Eastern Church by John Zonaras (Byzantine theologian of the 12th century; the name of this book in Old Believer texts is Zonara [Зонар]). Without a cover. Reader’s notes. Enclosures: 1) extract from an Old Believer essay on the End Times, 2) dates of elevation to the rank of Russian Patriarchs. The manuscript consists of 2 unsewn notebooks, 8° (notebook #1 – 178 mm х 110 mm; notebook #2 – 181 mm х 113 mm). 2 enclosures: enclosure #1 – 1 f. (36 mm х 161 mm), enclosure #2 – 1 f. (186 mm х 51 mm); 12 f. 2 f. (enclosures); Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.