Troparion and Canon to the icon of the Mother of God «Joy of All Who Sorrow» // Тропарь и канон иконе Богородицы «Всех скорбящих радость» // Tropar' i kanon ikone Bogoroditsy «Vsekh skorbiashchikh rad...

Paper: school notebook. Writing style: half-uncial script. Cyrillic numeric pagination (scriber’s). Decoration: headpieces and thin initials with red marker pen. The manuscript contains a hymn to the icon of the Mother of God «Joy of All Who Sorrow». In folk Orthodoxy this hymn is considered effective for those who are suffering from incurable diseases and life’s adversities. Without a cover. 4º, manuscript size– 204 mm x 169 mm; 6 f; Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.