Church eye (fragment) // «Око церковное» (фрагмент) // «Oko tserkovnoe» (fragment) [1st half of the 20th century]

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script. Cyrillic numeric pagination (scriber’s). Decoration: headpieces and initials are painted with Vermilion and red and blue pencils. “Church eye” [Око церковное] is a source of church law. The manuscript contains extracts about liturgical services for twelve feasts of the Christian year from the printed edition (Excerpts from the edition: Print Yard, Moscow, 1641). Folio #4 with a text about the service on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers has a glued strip of paper with an instruction about the Canons for the morning service. Without a cover. Folios are compiled into a notebook and not sewn together. Readers’ notes in the margins. Enclosures are thematically connected with the manuscript content: 1) instructions about the Canons for the services of 24 February, 5 March, 9 March and the feast of the Meeting of the Lord; 2) instructions about the Canons for The Feast of the Transfiguration; 3) extracts about the service during Bright Week and inscriptions on the Cross; 4) extracts about the Dismissal on Saturday of Souls. 1st half of the 20th century.

The manuscript consists of 3 unsewn notebooks. manuscript size - 8º (notebook #1 – 178 mm х 111 mm, notebook #2 - 178 mm х 111 mm, notebook #3 - 178 mm х 111 mm) 4 enclosures: enclosure #1 – 1 f. (146 mm x 70 mm); enclosure #2 – 1 f. (111 mm x 86 mm); enclosure #3 – 2 f. (138 mm x 78 mm); enclosure #4– 1 f.(170 mm x 55 mm); 26 f. 5 f. (enclosures); Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.