தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is constituted of a text containing palm leaves numbered from 1 to 45 (leaves 40 to 44 are missing) and 9 additional palm leaves without a number. The manuscript is in average condition; some leaves are darkened by fungus infestation and many of them have been bitten by rodents. The text and the additional leaves, written in both prose and verses, describes the formulations to prepare: Medicated oils: Paccai eṇṇey and Cantaṉāti eṇṇey. Electuaries: Civa lēkiyam and Kaṇṭaṅkattiri lēkiyam. Pills: Kulāntakaṉ māttirai and Cañcīvi māttirai; Aritāra uṇṭai and Āṉai kuḷampu uṇṭai. Waxy medicines: Pēti kuḻampu and a kuḻampu for treating poisonous substances (viṣam). Calcinated white medicines based on metals and minerals: Veḷḷi paṟpam, Pittaḷai paṟpam and Apraka paṟpam; Kavutumpai cuṇṇam. Calcinated red medicines based on metals and minerals: Vaṅka centūram and Vīra centūram. Medicines based on mercury: Raca cāram and Cavvīra pañcacārai. Size of the manuscript: 23.0cm x 3.4cm. The text contains palm leaves numbered from 1 to 45 in Tamil and Arab (leaves 40 to 44 are missing) and 9 leaves without a number. The manuscript is in average condition; some leaves are darkened by fungus infestation and many of them have been partly bitten by rodents.