முறிவு சாரி

Title in original script: முறிவு சாரி The manuscript is constituted of a text of palm leaves numbered from 1 to 98; it is incomplete. It is in excellent condition despite the leaves are darkened and very twisted due to their quality. The text, entitled Muṟivu Cāri, in written in verses in Malayalam. The title mentions that the text concerns fractures (muṟivu), but information it provides are wider. It presents the location of the major vital spots in the body (varmam), notably kataḷi vanam, lāṭa maiyyam, kuṇṭeli, uruḷai pūṭṭu, kaipucam, kavaḷi, mārpu, vāriyellu, pūṇellu, nāṅkaṇa poruttu and ucci. It describes several injuries in vital spots such as paṭaṅkāl muṟivu, and injured varmam in pregnant women (karpiṇikaḷ varmam). It indicates the method to relax (aṭaṅkal viparam) varmam and explains the formulation of a nasal snuff (ākkirāṇam) for treating certain injured varmam. The text provides some physiological information, notably on the nerve knots (muṭicci), liver (īral), pulse (nāṭi) and its 10 types (taca nāṭi). It explains how to regulate the five primordial elements in the body (pañcapūta oṭukkam). Size of the manuscript: 35.5cm x 3.2cm. The palm leaves are numbred from 1 to 98 in Malayalam. The manuscript is in good condition, the leaves are darkened by fungus infestation. Due to the quality of leaves, they are very twisted, making their digitisation laborious.