நூல் 1: ஓடிவு முறிவு சாரி- 1200; நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (அஷ்டோத்ரம்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: ஓடிவு முறிவு சாரி- 1200 நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (அஷ்டோத்ரம்); The manuscript is composed of two texts, complete and written in verses. The manuscript is in good condition; some leaves are slightly damaged by larvae or have marks of fungus. Text 1- The text, entitled Ōṭivu Muṟivu Cāri- 1200 and written by Akattiyar, is composed of palm leaves numbered from 1 to 300, among them leaves n°117, 118 and 124 are blank. The text deals with varma describing fractures and injuries of tendons, ligaments and nerves as well as their complications (tāl varum nōykaḷ) on one hand, and with physiology in the second hand. The injuries of varma spots are: paṭaṅkāl muṟivu, kai naṭu matti muṟivu, kāl muṟivu, vittaṟai muṟivu, pūttelumpu muṟivu, ceṉṉiyiṉ pakkam muṟivu, nāci muṟivu, kūmpelumpiṉ aṭi muṟivu, liṅkattiṉ aṭi muṟivu, pittukkāy pakkam muṟivu, kaṇṇimai aruku muṟivu, ucci naṭu muṟivu, naṭṭelliṉ aṭi narampu muṟivu, maṇṇīral iṭatu pakka muṟivu, kārīral muṉ muṉai muṟivu, pīca vittu mēl muṟivu, piṭariyiṉ kīḻ matti muṟivu, neñciṉ aṭivari muṟivu, vāri el añciṉ matti muṟivu, kīḻvāri elumpu muṟivu, kūkai elumpu muṟivu, pittukkāy naṭu muṟivu, karumanti narampu muṟivu, neṉcu naṭu muṟivu, kuyyattiṉ mēl muṟivu, pūta narampu muṟivu, aṭivayiṟu naṭu muṟivu, caṅku tiri naṭu muṟivu, yōṉikku mēl muṟivu, ucci aruku muṟivu, tāmarai vaṭṭa muṟivu, kārai aruku muṟivu, kuyyam muṟivu, kaṇṇin aruku muṟivu, vārelumpu naṭu muṟivu, kārīral naṭu muṟivu, pittukkāy muṟivu, caṅku tiri muṟivu, kutirai muka matti muṟivu, kutikāl muṟivu, pīca narampu muṟivu, intiriya narampu muṟivu, utira narampu muṟivu, vil narampu muṟivu, muḷ elumpu muṟivu, puṣpa pati naṭu muṟivu, nāci muṟivu, piṟai el muṟivu, kārelumpu muṟivu, ucci muṟivu, naṭu maiyya muṟivu, tivaḷai varma muṟivu, and oṭṭīral muṟivu; naṭunilai paṟṟiya kāyam; katirmūlam neruṅkal; kuṇṭumaṇi vilakal and kutikāl kuṇṭu vilakal; mūṇāra vari neṟital; mūlam taḷḷal; liṅkam curuṅkal; uruḷai pūṭṭu viṭal; pujattiṉ neṭṭi tāḻntāl and liṅkam vaḻi rattam varalpaṭṭai elumpu tāḻntāl; pūṇel muṟintāl, vīṇāttaṇṭiṉ aṭi muṟintāl and naṭṭellu cillu muṟintāl; peruviral kavaḷi kīṟal; pīca vittu eṟal; muṭṭu icaṅkiṉāl, muṭṭuku varmam; kaḻuttaṭi; kataḷi vaṉam; akkiṉi narampu kāyam; āntira nōy and ākkirāṇa pālam taṭavu. The text informs on the fatal signs of varma injuries (maraṇa kuṟi). The text exposes the practice of acupressure, notably the intensity of pressure to apply to a varma spot in order to make a person unconscious (varmam koṇṭu mayaṅkum vitam) and the impact of excess pressure (māttirai miñciṉāl) on varma points. It describes methods to relax injured varma points (aṭaṅkal tokai) in pregnant women (kerppiṇikaḷ) by blowing a medicine into nostrils or ears (ūti iḷakkum muṟai), to treat ear injuries (ceviyil vicai eṟṟāl) and nasal obstruction (mūkkaṭaittāl taṭava), to stop bleeding (rattam māṟa) from nose (mūkku) and mouth (vāy). It specifies a physical manipulation in which the patient is held tight with the hands across like X (piṉṉal muṟai). It explains the importance of some spots in the body, notably the location of the varma point which is at the junction of the two eyebrows and the nasal axis (puruva matti or lāṭa maiyyam) and of the highest point on the skull, at the midline between the two ears (mēru viparam). The physiological elements explained in the text concern the respiratory system (vāci cūttiram) i.e. expiration and inspiration): name of types of breaths (carattiṉ peyar), cycle of respiration (kaṭikāra cūttiram), method of holding it (muṭiccu añcu) and short term regulating it (tuṇṭu aṭukku); the nine orifices in the human body (vācal oṉpatu); the ten channels through which energy circulates (iṭakalai, piṉkalai, cuḻumuṉai, ciṅkuvai, kāntāri, puruṭaṉ, atti, alampuruṭaṉ, caṅkuṉi and kuku); blood vessels and nerves (nāṭi narampiṉ tokai); the five motor organs (karuvikaḷ); the 32 parts in human body (uṟuppukaḷ 32); and the manner movements are regulated (patukku muṟai) and the pulse is maintained (kuru nāṭi nilai). It indicates the etiology (varum vaḻi) of fever (curam) and of some diseases such as ascitis (peruvayaṟu), diabetes mellitus (nīriḻivu) and tuberculosis (cayam). Additionally, the text approaches martial art for which it mentions 16 types (patināṟu kalaiyiṉ cūttiram). It also describes the state of vital force (amirta nilai). Text 2- The text contains 7 leaves. The text describes the method to welcome (vaṇakkam) the god sun (cūriya tēva) and to chant its glory (stuti). Size of the manuscript 28,8cm x 3,5cm. The palm leaves of the text 1 are numbered from 1 to 300 in Tamil and Arabic and the text 2 from 1 to 7; the leaves 117, 118 and 124 are blank. The manuscript is in good condition; some leaves are slightly damaged by larvae or have marks of fungus.