ஓடிவு முறிவு கூறி- 1200

Title in original script: ஓடிவு முறிவு கூறி- 1200 The manuscript is formed by a text whose the palm leaves are numbered from 62 to 151; the leaves 76 to 100 and 125 to 126 are missing. The state of the manuscript is average; the leaves 62, 63 and from 147 to 151 are broken and those from 147 to 151 are damaged by strings of insect’s eggs. Size of the manuscript 38,5cm x 3,5cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbered in Tamil and Arab from 62 to 151; the leaves 76 to 100 and 125 and 126 are missing. The manuscript is in condition; the leaf 43 is broken. The state of the manuscript is average; the leaves 62, 63 and 147 to 151 are broken and those from 147 to 151 are damaged by strings of insect’s eggs. The text, entitled Oṭivu Muṟivu Kūṟi- 1200, describes formulations of medicines for treating injured vital spots (varmam): Decoctions: Kottamalli kaṣāyam, Cīraka kaṣāyam, Veḷḷaruku kaṣāyam, Vallārai kaṣāyam, Tūtaḷai vēr kaṣāyam, Villai vēr kaṣāyam, Vallārai kaṣāyam, Taca mūlāti kaṣāyam and Teṟṟi vēr kaṣāyam. Dry plant powders: Māvilaṅku cūraṇam and Tēvatār cūraṇam. Medicated oils: Rācāṅka muṟiveṇṇey, Amirta mukkūṭṭu eṇṇey, Kaṟpūravalli eṇṇey, Neruñci eṇṇey, Kaṇṭam kattiri eṇṇey and Icaṅkeṇṇey; Paiyaṟā tailam, Taca puṣpāti tailam, Kapa rācāṅka tailam, Akkarā tailam, Koḷiñci vēr tailam, Cantaṉāti tailam, Ciṉṉi vēr tailam, Ēlāti tailam and Tūtalāti tailam. Medicated butter: Ciṟṟāmuṭṭi muṟiveṇṇey. Medicated ghī: Tūtalāti ney and Elāti ney; Kaṅṭaṅkattiri kirutam, Kōḻi kirutam, Nāka paḻa kirutam, Veṇkuṉṟi kirutam, Paṉantāḻai kirutam and Tūtaḷai kirutam. Electuaries: Tāḻampū lēkiyam and Arimētai lēkiyam; Villai vēr racāyaṇam. Massage using ointment or a medicine: Nilavākai tuvālai and Kumara tuvālai.