
External cover title and title of the first text: 一本說醮飛章送聖同一本 [yiben shuojiao feizhang songsheng tong yiben].

Magic to make the altars into gold-silver-cash, house, rice field, garden, fruit trees, livestock, and food. Instruction to build a road. A big dragon makes the road with his body in the spirit side to the Garden of the Ancestors to facilitate further working in the area. The dragon cleans the path for the forthcoming work.Text to open the ceremony. The Tham Teang ‘original priests’ go to collect the money from the Three Celestial Banks. Bring the money from the bank to start the ceremony. The priest tao kong prepares a ‘mountain of money’ and leaves it ready for the payments at the end.

Custodial history: Private collection.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 32 folios.

Chinese era name (regnal year): ?丙戌年五月初一日終.