Mäshafä Sawiros - The Book of Severus [1645-1655]

Manuscript is in bad condition. The bookblock - deformed, wavy and shrunken on all margins due to water damage on most of folios. A strong brown water stains are visible in part of folios: from 1 to 37 and from 87 to 165. In the second part most of folios are cracked and weakened in the inner margins. All folios are dirty on all surface. The glass-like layer, as an effect of gelatinization process of the parchment, can be observed. Especially damaged are last folios, with strong water stains in dark-brown colour on most of its surface. In all folios is large loss of lower corner extended on outer margin. Last folios have much more extensive losses. The sewing of the book is very weak. The binding - very dirty and damaged bare wooden boards, very weak connected with the bookblock. Back board vertically broken and tied together with thick thread in 4 places.