10 litarary works of Ariya

Cham manuscript bound into volume with staples. The covers are made of thick paper and wrapped in a plastic layer. The manuscript are copied in A4 paper. The contents are written in Akhar Thrah script. Each page is numbered in order. The manuscript covers literary themes. Contents: 10 litarary works of Ariya. Size: 21 x 29 cm.

The manuscript has been handed down to many generations: Superior Priest Quang De (Thanh Y), Superior Priest Truong Van (Hieu Le), Gru urang Truong Huu (Phuoc Dong), Gru urang Truong Dat (Hieu Le). At present, the manuscript belongs to Pasaih Quang So.

Extent and Medium of original material: Stiff-paper cover. Paper manuscript, A4 paper. 129 pages.

Volume no.: 36.