1. Kumman Ban Ton; 2. Mahalat; 3. Matsi (The Sermon about Princess Matsi); 4. Nakhòn (1. ກຸມມານບັ້ນຕົ້ນ.; 2. ມະຫາລາດ.; 3. ມັດທີ.; 4. ນະຄອນ.)

Text No 1. This text is about the time when Prince Vessantara gave both of his children to the old Brahmin while Princess Matsi went to get fruit. Text No 2.This text is about the time when the old Brahmin took Prince. Sali and Princess Kanha away. He had planned to take them to his city, but he went down the wrong road and ended up in the home city of Vessantara. The grandparents were able to save their grandchildren. Text No 3. This text is about how, when Princess Matsi returned from getting fruit and both her children were missing, she panicked and went looking for them until she was so tired and upset that she fainted. Text No 4. This part tells about the invitation Vessantara received to return home and take his rightful place on his father's throne. . 74 folios.