"1. Himmaphan Ban Pai; 2. Vanna Pha Vet; 3. Susaka (The Sermon about Chuchok, the Brahmin); 4. Kumman Ban Ton (The Sermon about Pha Vet's Children); 5. Matsi (The Sermon about Princess Matsi); 6. Nakh...

Text No.1. This text tells of how the Buddha observed the preserved the precepts of the Buddha during his last previous life as Prince Vessantara, as well as telling about the episode in which Prince Vessantara gave his city's cherished elephant to a kingdom whose inhabitants were in need of aide, leading to his being exiled from the city by angry inhabitants. Text No 2. This text is about how Vessantara left his kingdom and walked into the forest with Queen. Matsi, Prince. Sali and Princess. Kunha. Text No 3. This text is about a wicked old Brahmin who received a very young girl as an offering. Text No 4. This text is about Vessantara offering both of his childen to the old Brahmin while Queen. Matsii is out geQueen. Matsi returned from getting fruit and both of her children were missing, she panicked and went looking for them until she was so tired and upset that she fainted. Text No 6. This text is about the invitation Vessantara received to return home and take his rightful place on his father's throne. The colophon mentions Sao (Miss) Thi as sponsor. Date of original material: BE 2471 (poek si year); 1928. 133 folios.